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The COVID-19 epidemic promotes the popularization of USB-C AV, but HDMI still ranks first in the AV interface market

Date: 2021/01/12

According to the "2021 Interface Battleground Report" by the research institute Omdia, the shift in consumer technology sales driven by the COVID-19 epidemic has affected the penetration of audio-visual (AV) interfaces into the basic equipment market. The USB-C AV interface will have a healthy growth. HDMI faces slower growth prospects.

At the same time, in Omdia's "2021 USB Type-C Report", Omdia found that in 2020, almost 80% of laptops and almost half of smartphones will have USB-C interfaces, and the adoption rate of these two devices is expected to be continuously grow. The adoption of these core devices has stimulated the adoption of satellite devices and opened the door to new uses such as portable desktop displays and universal docking stations.

The interface battle continues

The latest "Interface Battleground Report" pointed out that the penetration rate of USB-C AV interfaces (DP alt-mode and Thunderbolt) in the fast-growing computing field has increased, and changes in brands and device types are conducive to the penetration of USB-C AV , And in the field of portable devices, USB-C AV is the only wired option.

HDMI's growth prospects are more limited, which is largely due to its great success in the consumer electronics field, where it does not have much room for new growth.

Omdia's 2021 edition of "Interface Battleground Report" predicts the AV ecosystem (HDMI, DisplayPort, DisplayPort alt-mode over USB-C and Thunderbolt) and video protocols in four vertical market segments and 21 device categories from 2019 to 2025 (HDMI and DisplayPort) annual adoption rate. The report is 68 pages long and includes 43 figures and tables.

The key issues covered in "Interface Battleground Report-2021" include:

What is the current and future adoption of AV interfaces in computing, portable devices, consumer electronics, and transportation? Which products will adopt the AV interface or stop using it? Where will the market shift from one interface to another, and why? What trends are driving the adoption of specific AV interfaces? What factors limit growth?

USB Type-C focuses on new markets

In Omdia's "2021 USB Type-C Report", it is emphasized that laptops and smartphones are the core devices most likely to provide full-featured USB-C. Power, data, and audiovisual signals can all be obtained through a single line.

Two other major developments of USB-C are expected to open up new markets:

The Power Delivery specification now allows transmission of up to 240 watts of power via USB-C, which means that even gaming PCs can rely on USB-C for power. Despite the uneven promotion, USB-C continues to penetrate into budget products, which indicates that the cost of USB-C has fallen. With the expansion of scale, the cost may be further reduced.


Omdia's 2021 version of the "USB Type-C Report" examines the annual adoption rate of USB-C for 29 products in the computing, portable devices, consumer electronics, transportation and electrical fields from 2019 to 2025. The report also includes product-level analysis and forecasts on power transmission, DP alternative modes, and Thunderbolt adoption. The report is 70 pages long and includes 40 figures and tables.

The key issues covered in the "USB Type-C Report-2021" include:

What is the current and future adoption of USB-C in computing, portable devices, consumer electronics, transportation, and electrical fields? Which products will adopt USB-C or stop using? What trends are driving the adoption of USB-C? What factors limit growth? How did USB-C protocols such as Power Delivery, DP alt-mode and Thunderbolt penetrate the market?

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